A BNN Bloomberg independent survey reveals that several cannabis company CEOs don‘t consume the products they‘re pushing.
The survey pooled 29 US and Canadian cannabis CEOs out of companies of all sizes. From that total, 17 execs confirmed they consume pot recreationally or for medical purposes – while 6 said that they don‘t use the plant at all. 6 chiefs declined to answer – despite the surveyor‘s assurance of that their answers would be kept anonymous.
While it is admittedly a sample size, it does reveal that a considerable percentage of chief executives don‘t use the products they‘re promoting, or at least are unwilling to admit if they use their own product or not.
“What I have come to understand is that cannabis consumers are an extremely diverse group,” said Sebastien St-Louis, CEO of of Quebec-based Hexo Corp.,
“We have to move away from stereotypes and start recognizing that the responsible use of cannabis is part of many people’s lives – from young professionals to older adults,” he added.
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